If you would like to tie your Skype account to your phone number fill out this form and click no the “ next” button.

OPTION 1: The next screen that comes up will ask for you to create an account using your phone number. In the future, once you have an account you will just be able to input your Skype username, email or mobile number along with your password to sign in to your Skype account. Once this screen comes up, click on the “ Create an Account” button. When you do the first screen you should see should be the following: To get started open Skype on your computer. You can now engage in screen sharing, Skype calls across the world, access all of your Skype contacts, and more. At this point, you will enter into your Skype account and be walked through the steps on how to customize your Skype account.

That’s all there is to it! You have activated your Skype account on Linux, Mac, or Windows. If you installed Skype in another language the text will be different. The images are also from the English version of Skype. Please keep in mind that Skype constantly is modifying its interface so what you see on your computer may not match the images below perfectly, but the process should stay largely the same. If you have already installed Skype but still need to create your Skype account just follow these steps below. If you have not already installed Skype yet you can learn how to do through our tutorial here on How to download and install Skype. Skype is a free software that allows you to speak with voice and video with people from all over the world.